SOLD OUT EVERYDAY! The Most beautiful onigiri maker in Hiroshima and her 100kg cart
244万視聴 ・2週間前
Feeding 4500 Japanese Boys! Best All Boys High School Meals
21万視聴 ・1週間前
How Salary Women EAT at a Japanese Megacorp!
20万視聴 ・4日前
Japanese Food Craftsmanチャンネルの説明
Here at Japanese Food Craftsman, we feature delicious food and the stories of restaurant owners from all over Japan!
How did our journey start?
We witnessed neighborhood stores we had visited since childhood closing down, and other long-established restaurants slowly fading away. We started to wonder if there wasn't something we could do to preserve this part of the Japanese culture.
What was it that we could do?
We started sharing the charm of these restaurants with the whole world. So that people would remember them. And perhaps again go out of their way to pay a visit.
What will the future bring?
Even 100 years from now on, we hope for Japans nostalgic and beautiful scenery to remain the same.
And we hope that these videos will give all of you the energy you need for tomorrow.
You can contact us about our videos through the e-mail address below!