Self-defense when you are grabbed from behind【Budo Karate】
211万視聴 ・3ヶ月前
Two guys are pushing you! What will you do?
49万視聴 ・3ヶ月前
Karate girl vs. Conditioned Reflex. Can she resist?【 Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu】
47万視聴 ・3ヶ月前
kuro-obi worldチャンネルの説明
Karate, Shorinji Kempo, Jiu-jitsu, Aikido, Taido , Kobudo, Kung-fu, ....
You can see various styles of "Budo" and there are many amazing masters in this channel.
Director : Fuyuhiko Nishi, the Creator of the movie "Kuro-Obi BLACK BELT" "High Kick Girl !"
Most videos have multilingual subtitles in various languages.
Please enjoy the video in your native language!